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Final report of the IEA Future of Ergonomics Committee

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Final report of the IEA Future of Ergonomics Committee

By admin, 15 marzo, 2012

To The IEA Family:

As you may recall, the Future of Ergonomics Committee stems from an initiative from the 2009 Council Meeting in Beijing when Council directed a study on IEA governance in the future.

The report from this committee, headed by David Caple, was discussed at the 2010 Council Meeting in Brugge where structural changes were approved. At that time the IEA commissioned a committee to take a strategic approach to our future as a discipline and profession. We selected Jan Dul to lead this committee of international experts and to get input from leading ergonomists from around the world. This team worked hard and took advantage of experience, expertise and a participatory approach to complete their work in a little more than a year. This was a remarkable accomplishment.

It is my pleasure to send you the attached White Paper from the IEA Future of Ergonomics Committee. This work does a magnificent job in shaping our future by: identifying three fundamental characteristics of our identity; addressing six significant changes in our environment; identifying significant internal and external actors; and presenting a strategy and implementation plan for our future. This is a critical document that IEA and individual societies can use as a guideline for strategically charting our path forward.

IEA was pleased to provide financial support for this committee’s work and the Executive Committee recommends that Council and the incoming IEA leadership take full advantage of this paper. We are deeply indebted to the entire committee (Jan Dul, Ralph Bruder, Peter Buckle, Pascale Carayon, Pierre Falzon, Bill Marras, John Wilson, and Bas van der Doelen) for their hard work. We also appreciate the contributions of ergonomists from around the world who provided their valuable input.

This manuscript has been accepted for publication in Ergonomics and will be made available for free download in the near future. In the meantime, I would ask that you review this landmark document and think of ways that you can implement this strategy in your own societies and networks. Jan Dul will present this to Council at our meeting in Recife. He will later make a broader announcement to the Congress in a keynote address.

I would ask you to read the manuscript and distribute it to your key leaders and constituents. Encourage those who are attending the Congress to pay close attention to the plenary remarks on this important topic. You will hear from IEA as we move forward in ways to implement this plan.

All the best,
Andrew S. Imada, Ph.D. CPE

International Ergonomics Association

4910 Phelps CourtCarmichael, California 95608 USA

1 916 486-1635 Office

1 916  486-0188 Fax

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IEA Website: http://www.iea.cc/

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  • Bs As Argentina
  • info@riesgolab.com
  • Riesgolab


RiesgoLab es la Consultora Líder en Ergonomía Integral para Empresas en Argentina y Latinoamérica.